Donate to Effective Charities

One of the simplest and most effective ways to make a meaningful difference in the world is through our donations. Effective Altruism encourages us to find out where our donations can do the most good, and with over 2 million registered charities in the US alone, that can be a challenging task. 

Thankfully, organizations like GiveWell, Animal Charity Evaluators, and Giving Green gather evidence and use data to determine where our donations can have the greatest impact. Giving What We Can has also compiled recommendations to create a simple donation management interface. Because of their research, we know that even a few dollars can do a tremendous amount of good.

Additionally, there are amazing resources like Giving What We Can and The Life You Can Save that promote a culture of giving. These organizations unite people who are committed to acting charitably and foster a sense of community through donations.

As people living in NYC, we are afforded an incredible opportunity to leverage our good fortune and help others in need. If you’re excited by the idea of making a massive impact through your giving, see this guide on how to choose a charity that maximizes your donations, or you can schedule a call with the EA NYC team to talk about donation planning!

Effective Altruism NYC recently began accepting donations! You can support our work here.